Monetary Donations

Effective July 1, 2022 – CASA awarded 70% Domestic Violence Shelter and Rape Crisis Center Tax Credits

Citizens Against Spouse Abuse, Inc. (CASA) is happy to offer you a tax savings that will not only benefit you, but also those victimized by rape and abuse in our area. Effective July 1, 2022, the State of Missouri has awarded domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers 70% Domestic Violence Shelter Tax Credits.

  • By donating $100 or more to CASA, 70% of your donation can be taken directly off of your Missouri income, personal or business, and franchise tax bill, in addition to the charitable deductions you can take as part of your itemized federal deductions.
  • The amount of the tax credit claimed may not exceed the amount of your state tax liability for the taxable year the credit was claimed.
  • Your tax credit may not exceed $50,000 in the taxable year the credit was claimed.
  • However, any tax credit that cannot be claimed in the taxable year may be carried over to the next succeeding tax year.

Your contribution can help CASA fulfill our mission to empower domestic and sexual violence survivors to regain control of their lives through education, advocacy, and coordination of community resources. Your charitable contribution further helps to reaffirm our cause that no person should suffer from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

To receive more information on the Missouri Domestic Violence Shelter and Rape Crisis Center Tax Credit program, please contact CASA at (660) 827-5559 or email

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