Though CASA’s services are available to all who have been victimized by domestic and sexual violence, many non-English speaking or limited English proficiency (LEP) survivors face linguistic and cultural limitations in fleeing their abusive relationships. In an attempt to alleviate these limitations, CASA employs two Spanish speaking staff members – the Bilingual Outreach Case Manager and the Bilingual Sexual Assault Response Coordinator. These staff members are trained to provide linguistically and culturally specific services in the areas of:
- Shelter and safety planning
- Case management
- Crisis intervention
- Translation/interpretive services
- Transportation
- Visa and citizenship assistance
- Court advocacy
- Language culturally specific support groups
- Therapy
- Housing assistance
Tele-language interpretive services are provided to non-Spanish and non-English speaking individuals. This service supports 350+ languages and is available 24/7/365.